festivals' partner and filmmaker's dream



official highlights of Film Festivals Alliance

Crown Prince of Blahbatu Bali presented the Awards: The Most Progressive Film Festivals Submission Platform
Top Three Best Film Festivals Submission Platform in the World year 2017 to Film Festivals Alliance
CLICK to read the news

Film Festivals Alliance (FFA) mission:

1. Helping filmmakers making their decisions wisely in selecting film festival worth the entry fee and effort.
2. Facilitating film festivals around the world to work together, sharing information, data and access, becoming global partners to give the best for filmmakers and spreading the excellent films to as many communities as possible.
3. Supporting people who want to establish film festivals of their own.
4. Coordinating winning and talented filmmakers to work together on a project called “The Connection”.
5. Offering distribution deals for selected winner for theatrical, TV, and VOD.

ABOUT Film Festivals Alliance

Film Festivals Alliance has been chosen by The Film Reporter as The Most Progressive Film Festivals Submission Platform 2017 with its Money Back Guarantee Program allowing filmmakers only to pay submissions fee to Festivals that really accept their film. Film Festivals Alliance is an award-winning submission platform with awards from several Kingdoms and the biggest Film Submission Platform in Asia Pacific with more than 55.000 filmmakers.

International Film Festival for Peace, Inspiration, and Equality, World Environment Awards, World Film Awards, International Heroes Awards, Filmmakers of the Year Film Festival, Directors Awards, Cinema Grand Prix, Asia Pacific International Filmmaker Festival & Awards, Best Short Cinema Prize, World Documentary Awards, International Movie Awards, and many more are among the participants.

Understanding the sweat to search for best festivals that suit each filmmaker needs to receive recognitions for the extraordinary efforts, well-spent money, enthusiasm in making films projects, and hope they can become benefit for others, FFA is then established in 2011. The alliance is founded by filmmakers and dedicated for filmmakers.
Realizing the importance of sending messages through films as well as giving impact for culture and society, appreciating hard works of the filmmakers, and understanding the grueling effort to establish a festival from scratch, with this alliance program, we want to share and work together to build film festivals connection. The power of partnership makes small ones becomes a big one. If you are interested to set up your own festival, you could join us for a special workshop on how to set up a film festival and how to be partners’ festivals. In this workshop, we will share our expertise, links, systems, connections, etc.

For further information, please contact: filmfestivalsalliance[@]gmail.com or admin[@]filmfestivalsalliance.org

Let's shake our hands together, and build a better world together through films.

We invite filmmakers and Film Festivals to Join Us.

FESTIVALS WITH Money Back Guarantee Program, CLICK HERE